Secrets for Catching Giant Northern Pike

During the early fall and the summer months, it does not really matter what speed you use the fish finder at. The fish will find it as long as you can get it within a reasonable distance of the place where the fish is resting.

When you are fishing in the hope to catch giant northern pike the direction in which you fish will influence the success, particularly if you are fishing in the main part of the river. When you are using bottom bouncers whilst trying to move up stream it will be very difficult, and for this reason it is important to try and fish down stream whilst you are using bottom bouncers. If you want to use crank baits it is probably best to troll up stream.

The presentation of fishing for giant northern pike on a river will be reasonably straight forward, as the pike will either see a crank bait or a crawler harness. The secret of using a crawler harness is to ensure that you allow enough worms to be beyond the last hook so that they will wiggle. The smiley blades have a habit of cutting the worms in half, and when the blades are used it is possible to use the whole worm.

The depth of the water is another crucial aspect of the fisherman’s ability to have success. The depth of the water is always changing, and this depends on where you actually fish and the surrounding structures. The prime northern pike waters will depend greatly on the food sources that are in the water. One of the best times to fish for giant northern pikes is during the evening hours as this is when a lot of fishermen tend to be able to catch them.

One of the biggest secrets of walleye fishing is to be flexible, and to be willing to try out different things. Fishing is very much a sport of trial and error.

To get the full “Secrets for Catching Giant Northern Pike” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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