Beginner Guide to Fishing Tackle Walleye

Along with your rod, reel and bait, another useful tackle to have in catching walleye is a little knowledge of where the walleye live and when. Walleyes like the weeds, rocks and ledges that will most likely be hiding, for instance, one of their favorite foods like crayfish. Smaller fish also tend to frequent these kinds of hiding places so the walleye likes to hang around and munch with ease.

In the spring of the year, walleye will travels to larger tributaries to spawn. During spawning is another good time to drop your line in hopes of catching a walleye. Even though the walleye’s favorites spots are moderately shallow, in the summer, they will head for deeper waters because the sunlight coming through the water will hurt their highly sensitive eyes. If you plan on a summer fishing trip for walleye, you will need to add a boat or kayak  to your list of walleye fishing tackle. Take along sunscreen and sunglasses to protect you from the sun, too!

When you plan to go fishing for walleye, remember to bring along an assortment of lures and crankbaits, brightly colored artificial worms, a bit of live bait like nightcrawlers and minnows, and don’t forget to take along some gloves. The walleye have a mouthful of teeth and getting them off the hook will require a good pair of thick gloves! Fishing for walleye is popular all over the US and is an excellent sport fish that gives you just enough trouble pulling in to make it worth it! Walleye is an excellent table fish for frying and broiling!

To get the full “Beginner Guide to Fishing Tackle Walleye” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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