Five Tips For Alberta Walleye Fishing

The weather plays a role in walleye fishing. If the day is overcast and slightly breezy, you should have a good day of fishing. If there is a slight drizzle, you may have the best day fishing ever. Before you go out for the day, assess the weather for the day and plan according to that. If the day is sunny and no wind at all, the fish are likely to be deep. If the day is overcast, the fish are likely to be in the shallow waters. Always keep an eye on the weather up in Alberta as it can change quickly when you are fishing.

The bait that you use is another concern if you want to catch a walleye. Minnows and night crawlers work the best. You can use a artificial bait with a chartreuse color if you prefer. For the most part, the bait you use is a preference, but if you have never fished in Alberta before, you want to use the bait that others are using so that you will offer the walleye what they eat.

Days can change and so can the food that the walleye eats. Be prepared with different bait.

If you have a chance to walleye fish in Alberta, just make sure to find a place where the walleye are populated. This should be easy to do once you arrive or online before you go. You want to make sure that you know what bait is working for the day and study the weather before going out. The best part about walleye fishing in this area is that there are many places to fish so you can try different days on different waters. Take along some good sunglasses and enjoy your days fishing. Some days will be bright on the water and you can see better with sunglasses on rather than with the naked eye.

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Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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