Tips for Catching Walleye

3.      Move the Lure or Bait – Minnows and other baits for walleye are not stationary creatures.  They move around a great deal so a walleye is not going to be attracted by a bait or lure that is just hanging in the water.  You need to move it around and lure the walleye to strike.  Other fish types are more attracted by a scent trail, but this is not so with the walleye.  They really need the action of the bait to attract them to it.  You also want to make sure that even though you are moving the bait, you are a quiet as possible.  As stated previously, walleye are shy and are going to get nervous and not feed if they feel threatened by loud noises.

4.      Trolling in Warm Weather – Since walleye like water that is cooler, trolling when the waters are warm is a great way to catch them.  The pros set up more than one fishing pole and have them at different depths to find the walleye.  When you get a strike at a certain depth, you should set all of your lines to the same depth and you are going to catch more walleye than you can bring home.  Once you find the school of walleye, you can stop at that spot and simply fish to the depth where you caught the first one.

Fishing for walleye is a fun and exciting fishing trip for anglers of any skill level or age.  Young and old love fishing for walleye for the challenge and for the great meal the walleye is going to offer.  They put up a great fight which is another of the many reasons that walleye fishing is so popular.  The tips provided are going to help those who are having trouble catching one walleye to go home each trip with their limit.

To get the full “Tips for Catching Walleye” article you’ll need to download it here.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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