Use equipment that allows you to see the fish and study their actions. A unit that allows you to drop the camera in the water will help you adjust you fishing technique. If you see more fish going after one bait and ignoring the other bait, you know that you have to change the baits to match each other. This is a new way of ice fishing. It might sound unusual to use a camera to see the fish, but in the long run, it helps you catch the pike or any other fish.
Take the time to watch where others are fishing. If you see anglers on one end of the lake not catching anything, you know that you need to start somewhere else. Have the electronic equipment and search the lake until you find the right place. It may be somewhere out of the way where no one else would expect the fish to hide. Pike are not typical and cannot be recognized by habit.
Winter pike fishing secrets can help the beginner or the expert. It is said that if you know your fish and the area you are going to fish, you have an advantage over new anglers to the area. This however, is not always true about pike anglers. They will tell you that pike are not predictable. Other fish may have this predictability, but the pike is in a class all by itself. You have to think like a hungry predator to know the pike. Look for schools if baitfish and the pike are not far away. They will be close by.
To get the full “Winter Pike Fishing Secrets” article you’ll need to download it here.