Add a Little Wiggle to Your Fishing Hunt

If I’m trolling with a plastic worm behind planer boards – how can I add a wiggle to it to make it more effective?

There are several different ways you can add a little wiggle to your line. First, make small jerk motions back and forth with your hand to create the illusion that the lure is wiggling in the water. To do this, pull on the line itself or use the reel. Either one is an effective way to manual add a little wiggle to a plastic lure. For an effective product created wiggle, give the Wigglefin Action Disc a shot. Place it on your fishing line before the plastic lure and watch the magic start to happen. When added to any fishing line with live bait or plastic lures, the disc provides instant swimming motion to the line. The movement of the lure catches the attention of the fish instantly. To them, it is as if another fish has appeared out of nowhere. Instinct tells the fish to move in for a closer look. The fish latches onto your fishing line and then you simply reel it in. Playing off the invisible nature of the Action Disc, use a jerk of the rod motion along with your retrieve. This creates an instantaneous wiggle motion from the bait. It begins to frantically move about in the water as if trying to escape. This causes an equally instant strike motion from the bass. Using a Top Water Rigs along with the Wigglefin Action Disc creates that same frantic bait motion. Only this time, it occurs at the water surface. This can be effective in catching bass that may be towards the top of the water for feeding.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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