Canadian Walleye Fishing Tips

Depending on where you go in Canada, you need to find out whether the area is a catch and release or if you can keep the fish, you catch. If keeping the fish is not important, it will not matter where you go. If you are a catch and release angler, take along a waterproof camera so you can show off your talents to everyone back home. There are other times of the year to go walleye fishing in Canada than just the spring months. You might enjoy the fall months as well.

The thing about walleye fishing in the fall is you have to match wits with a walleye. They are moody fish to begin with, but the fall months seem to make them even more moody. The females need a lot of food, but they are spooked so easy. The males seem to eat any time but it all depends on the weather for the day. You might have some good hits in one area on one day, go back the next day, and have nothing. The fall months seem to be a little more difficult to fish for walleye.

If you are looking for fall walleye fishing, try going with one of the outfitters in the area. They have years of knowledge for fishing walleye anytime of the year. Take along your own tackle that should include a few artificial lures, lightweight jigs and some lightweight test line. Make sure you are all set to catch a big walleye. Many outfitters will supply all the equipment you need, but you still should take along some tackle that you like to work with when fishing. Keep some of this mind when planning a trip to Canada and you will enjoy some great walleye fishing.

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Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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