I’m going walleye fishing in Henderson Harbor. Do you have any advice for maximizing my catches?

I’m going walleye fishing in Henderson Harbor. Do you have any advice for maximizing my catches?

Henderson Harbor is a great place to fish for walleye. And the amazing thing is, walleye fishing is one of Henderson Harbor’s biggest secrets. There have been walleye caught in weights of up to fourteen pounds. However the average catch usually weighs seven to eight pounds. A few tips about catching walleye in Henderson Harbor are really much like other areas. Knowing the best spots on the lake is a good tip. Remember walleye like the deepest water, so these are the best spots. Also, the type of lures that have worked well here are plastic worms and live bait. In many situations when a walleye of a pretty good size is caught you can keep it. Another tip for fishing for walleye in Henderson Harbor is early in the morning when the sun is first hitting the water. It seems as though this is the time of day when walleye are searching for food. And yet, walleye do not like sunspots on the water. They prefer the shade. It allows them to have some type of camouflage. Spoons have been known to bring in good-sized walleye in Henderson Harbor. Some fish anglers believe its movements attract the walleye in a way that the walleye can’t resist biting at the spoon. For more information about tips and advice for fishing for walleye in Henderson Harbor, you can get brochures sent to you by mail. Or you can also go to various web sites via the Internet associated with Henderson Harbor and walleye.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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