Is pickerel fishing different from walleye fishing? What is the difference?

Is pickeral fishing different from walleye fishing? What is different?

The pickerel is found around the regions of the Atlantic Ocean and belongs to the pike family. The main food sources for a pickerel is mice, newts, frogs, crayfish and small fish as well as insects. The pickerel is slim and long. They are found as long as three feet and weighting seven pounds for an adult fish. You can catch a pickerel with a minnow as well as spinners. Therefore, fishing for a pickerel is not that much different from fishing for a walleye as far as what they will eat. The difference comes about because of where the pickerel hide. You will very rarely see a pickerel out in the open. They hide on the bottom or in various underwater structures waiting for their prey. The walleye will come out for food, but the pickerel usually waits for the food to come to them. As I said before, they are a member of the pike family, so fishing for them is going to be different in the technique you use. You are not going to catch them by trolling. I recall hearing about one angler that was out ice fishing for walleye somewhere and caught a pickerel on a jig with a night crawler and a two-pound test line. It took him and two buddies to bring the fish in through the hole. I guess you can catch any kind of fish whenever you are fishing a lake or river with multiple fish species in it no matter what you use for bait.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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