Fishing researcher, Dan Eggertsen, answers a variety of questions concerning how you can catch Walleye quickly and easily.

Mastering the Lanier Rig Technique

Category: Uncategorized

Can you tell me how to set up a Lanier rig and when it will work the best?

To maneuver this technique, start with a long fishing rod approximately seven to seven and a half feet long. The perfect rod will have a sturdy backbone structure and fast tip. Along with this is the need for a quick retrieve reel. In terms of fishing line, it is a matter of personal choice. At a minimum, the line should hold at least 14 pounds. Outside of that, the only other things to keep in mind are choosing a line with exceptional strength and quality for your fishing location. Next, make sure that the swivel function is of high quality as well. The main function of a swivel is to act as a weight stopper and not monitor your line. A general rule of thumb to follow for the leader is using 18 inches per every 10 feet of water. Armed with these components, you are now ready to execute the Lanier rig. Begin by casting your line towards a desired location. Once it reaches the shallow bottom, slowly move the line along the surface. This will allow any bass in the area to make a decision of whether to strike at the bait or let it pass by. The effective way to do this is moving the rod instead of the reel to move the bait. Match the color of bait to the watercolor. Use light colored bait in light water and vise versa for darker waters. The Lanier rig technique is ideal for fishing in scattered weed beds; boat docks; and any other shallow water depth up to four feet deep. Anglers prefer to use this method whenever faced with a need for slow-falling lure situations. This is most common in winter months when bass move a little slower and need more time to respond to bait.

Tags: pa walleye fishing, arkansas walleye fishing, kansas walleye fishing, fishing for walleye, walleye lake fishing, quebec walleye fishing, oklahoma walleye fishing

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The answer to "Mastering the Lanier Rig Technique"

Question asked on February 2, 2008at 5:00 am:: Comments (0)

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