Selecting the Right Rod for the Job

When using soft plastics does the type of rod and reel you use make any difference when Walleye fishing?

One of the most vital pieces of fishing equipment you will ever own is your rod. Choosing one is a matter of personal preference. A rod that works for one angler in a situation may not work for the next and vise versa. With that being said, you should keep in mind that the ideal rod to use when Walleye fishing is a fast action rod six to six and a half feet in length and a base between 3/8” and 5/16”. Walleye can spit out or bite onto a soft plastic bait or live bait at a rate of 1/4th of a second. Fast action rods can handle the fastness of this fish. The tip of the rod is where all the action takes place. For this reason, it is ideally suited for jigging. The motion of a fast action rod is a wrist-snap movement that raises the tip one to three inches. In turn, the hook sets ten times faster than with other rods. As a result, you stand to catch 50% of the walleye nuzzling your bait piece. To ensure you are purchasing an effective fast action rod, snap it from side to side in the store. The rod should remain stiff with no detectable bending movement present. This stiffness leads to more sensitivity that will allow you to better navigate your line along the bottom surface. Some are even sensitive enough to let you feel a Walleye bite onto the line. This will have you seeking out Walleye in virtually every hiding spot along the bottom of the water.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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