Trolling for Walleye

Does it make any difference if I’m trolling either with or against the current when fishing for Walleye?

When trolling for Walleye, there is no difference made between being with or against the current. The three main factors in trolling for Walleye are depth management; speed management and forage base. Everything else works with these three factors to ensure success in trolling for Walleye. Depth management is essential in trolling for Walleye because these fish tend to hang out closer to the surface during active feeding times. At times of inactivity is when Walleye stay right along, if not on, the bottom surface. So depending on the time of day you are trolling, Walleye could be in any space between you and the bottom, regardless of whether you are trolling with or against the natural current. To gauge the right depth of bait placement, it is ideal to have electronic equipment indicating where the Walleye are hanging out at that time. The two remaining factors, speed management and forage base, work along with depth management. There is no speed too slow when trolling for Walleye. Towards the end of the day as the water begins to cool down, Walleye slow down a bit in preparation for the evening. Along with this is maintaining an appropriate forage base. Keep bait consistent to what the Walleye in the area are currently feeding on. The two most popular forage bases are perch and shiners. Both are a favorite for Walleye. Armed with these three factors should make your next trip trolling for Walleye a success regardless of what side of the current you find yourself on.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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