Walleye Fishing Reels %u2028

What kind of reel shoukld you use for walleye fishing? A baitcaster or a spinning reel. What are the pros and cons of each.

The type of fishing reel that will be best to use when fishing for walleye will depend on the fishing technique that you will be using. Some anglers that use several different fishing techniques on a regular basis will probably do best to have several different reels that they are able to use. If you are going to have several different fishing reels, you are probably best to have three or four combo rods and reels and set them all up with different baits and lures on them. In order to have a good level of sensitivity and a good level of performance whilst casting it is very important to have a reel that is in good balance with your rod. It is also a very good idea to ensure that you match the correct line with the correct lures whether it is a walleye jig, walleye lure or live bait weights. It is not a very good idea to use a line that is intended for between twelve and twenty pounds with a rod that is designed to cope with between four and eight pounds, as this will lead to it being butt heavy. If you have too much weight on the butt end this will make it very difficult to cast, as it will interfere with your wrist snap. The weight will dampen with sensation of the subtle bait. It is very important to match the correct rods and reel together, and this is in fact one of the most important parts of the tackle when fishing for walleye. When you are selecting a reel for walleye fishing it is very important to look for one that has a rear mount drag, and that the reel has a skirting spool that is adequate in size to be able to cope with the holding of at least one hundred yards of fishing line. The reel should also have a bail mechanism that will be able to cope with strong string tension.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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