What are the eating habits of walleye in Lake Erie?

What are the eating habits of walleye in Lake Erie?

The eating habits of the walleye in Lake Erie are actually very easy to remember. The walleye will eat minnows any time of the year. As for the specific season eating habits, they are as follows. In the spring, the walleye are spawning and will eat the most after the spawn. The presentation should be a small minnow. The appetites are not in full force and offering smaller baitfish will work better. If the bait is to large, the walleye will more likely seek something smaller. In the summer months, you can present minnow or night crawlers. The size is a little bigger than it was in the spring until later in the summer when you can start presenting larger baitfish. The fall months are when you are going to catch walleye by presenting large minnows. The walleye are in a feeding frenzy because of the winter months coming. They will be looking for large baitfish. The best size minnow to present is about four inches if you can find them. Some anglers will use the minnow or the night crawler on a jig and vertical drop during the spring, cast and drift during the summer. During the fall, you can use the cast and drift or the vertical drop with into the weed beds where the walleyes are hiding. This is a pretty standard way to fish for walleye on Lake Erie. Just find the right area and you are ready to go. You should have a good fishing day any time.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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