What Does Fizzing Mean To An Angler

What is “fizzing”?

Fizzing a fish is where you relieve the bladder gas that has built up. You use a needle and inset it into the side of the fish to its bladder to release the gas. Keep in mind, that if you do not know exactly where the bladder is, you can damage other organs. The fish might look healthy enough after fizzing, but chances are it will die in a couple days after being release and fizzed. The way you know a fish needs to receive fizzing is if it is unable to swim upright in the water. Another reason that the fish cannot swim upright can be from stress of the catch and release. They will die if you are not very careful how you handle them.

Some anglers use fizzing, but in most cases, you should consider not releasing the fish because it is labeled as unhealthy and will die. Many anglers do not recommend this process, but some that know they are handling the fish with extra care for releasing can accomplish this and the fish may live. The thing that kills the walleye after a catch and release is not so much the gases building up, as it is the stress of being caught and handled improperly.

If you plan to catch and release, you need to know the proper method and how to do this correctly to safely return the fish to the waters. Once you become more experienced, you will know you are safely releasing the fish without death occurring.



Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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