What is the best method for walleye trolling?

What’s the best method for walleye trolling?

The best method for trolling for walleye is a back trolling slowly while using a minnow and slip sinker. This allows the walleye to take the bait and run without noticing the weight of the sinker. Another way to troll would be with a long line out about one hundred feet behind the boat with a crankbait or even a minnow. This will work well when the walleye are closer to shore. Keep in mind that how you troll is going to depend on where you fish and what time of year it is. Nighttime fishing with the long line trolling technique works well for most anglers. If you are fishing in the reservoirs in Iowa, you want to do speed trolling with deep diving crankbaits. Every area and every season is going to call for a different way to troll. Many anglers will try different baits while trolling and others are set with what they use. Trolling is a great way to cover a large area, but the walleye have to be there. In some cases, trolling is not going to easy to do. You need to see where you are fishing before deciding what method of trolling to use. If you do find an area where the guys are trolling, ask a few questions and they can tell you how they are doing it on any given day. Sometimes trolling is not going to work at all. It all depends on many different things. Different variables can change the way you fish for walleye.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

One Response to “What is the best method for walleye trolling?”

  1. john brissa says:

    what is the best line for long trolling walleye? Im loosing crank baits and line is frayed. Im still doing ok on the walleye but i want to inprove my caught. fishing a cooling lake waters about 74. a lot of up and down sturckchure 12ft to 3 ft deepest part of the lake 25ft holes.

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