What is the best strategy for catching trophy sized walleye in Ontario, Canada?

what’s the best strategy for catching trophy sized walleye in Ontario Canada?

The best strategy for catching trophy sizes walleyes in Canada have something to do with the bait that you are using and how you are presenting it to the walleye. The best strategy to use for catching walleye is to use live bait that is large enough to attract the attention of the walleye. Use night crawlers or leeches and if you do not have a bite within ten minutes or so, change the bait to make sure you keep the bait live and moving. Keep the bait about six inches off the bottom as to not snag the bait on any bottom debris. Fish is the areas where the walleye are larger, which is usually in the deeper waters. Make sure that you keep the bait off the bottom. You will attract more fish if the bait is swimming around the water and not sitting on the bottom. The last thing you should remember for catching the big fish is to use a lightweight jig. If you use a jig that is heavier, you are risking a short strike, which will lose the fish. Walleye inhale their food with water around it and if the jig is heavy, it could disturb the flow of water when the walleye strikes. If you remember these few tips, you should have no problems catching the trophy sized walleyes. Walleye fishing is not as hard as some believe when trying to catch the walleye. It is rather easy when you find the right area and use the right live bait in Canada.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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