Fishing researcher, Dan Eggertsen, answers a variety of questions concerning how you can catch Walleye quickly and easily.

What’s the best way to stay warm AND catch a ton of walleye at night, under the ice?

Category: Uncategorized

What’s the best way to stay warm AND catch a ton of walleye at night, under the ice?

The best way to stay warm is with a fish shanty and a portable heater inside. If you do not have a fish shanty, you can use a portable heater outside to huddle around for warm. Sock warmers as well as hand warmers work well for keeping the hands and feet warm. They do make thermal inner and outerwear that will keep the body warm. A facemask and a warm hat will keep the body heat in when you are out in the cold. You lose the majority of your body heat through the head. Catching walleye under the ice at night is no different from catching walleye during the seasons with any ice when you think about it. The walleye stay close to food sources whether they are feeding or not. You can set up camp by bay or by the mouth of rivers as well as underground rock structures and any underwater vegetation. Walleye stay in shallower waters during the winter months. The best way to find these areas is with a camera or some type of sonar system. Dusk is the best time to fish for the walleye. The walleye are dusk and dawn feeders to speak and if you are lucky to be out at dusk, you are going to have more luck catching more fish. Remember to use the right bait as well. You will want to use a jigging spoon or a jig with a live bait. Slow presentation is what the winter walleye are looking for, nothing fast.

Tags: kansas walleye fishing, walleye fishing boat, fishing lures for walleye, erie walleye fishing, walleye lake erie, oklahoma walleye fishing, mn walleye fishing

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The answer to "What’s the best way to stay warm AND catch a ton of walleye at night, under the ice?"

Question asked on June 13, 2008at 12:00 am:: Comments (0)

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