When do walleye spawn?

Can you tell me when the spawning period is for Walleyes and where you’re more likely to find them during this time?

The spawning of the Walleye is typically when the water begins to warm up in the spring.  Depending on your location, you’re looking for water temperatures of approximately 40-45 degrees and that usually coincides with the month of April and early May.  Walleyes will begin to migrate from deeper water to the shallows preferring the rocky or gravel areas located in the small inlet streams of the lakes and rivers and also along the shorelines.  They prefer areas with dense vegetation.  The spawning process often lasts several nights.  Known as “broadcast” spawners, the females will release hundreds of eggs at once over the spawning area.  The male Walleye fertilizes the eggs are they fall and adhere to the bottom.  Fertilized eggs can take anywhere from one to three weeks to hatch.  While the female Walleye leaves the spawning area immediately after releasing the eggs, the males remain in the area until the spawning season ends.  By the time the water temperatures reach 50 degrees, they’re on their way to deeper water.  Since the Walleye spawn early than baitfish, if the baitfish are arriving, you just might be able to find the Walleye lurking in the shallow weed clumps, sand flats, or mud basins nearby.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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