When is walleye fishing season?

When is walleye fishing season?

There is no clear cut answer when it comes to walleye fishing season. It really depends on the location because the temperatures of the water play a huge role in what they will be doing and how active they are going to be. Most of the time though from early March through late summer and into early fall are when you will have the most luck with this type of fish.
There are exceptions though such as in those regions where it seems to be warm all year long. Then you will be able to find walleye no matter what season it happens to be. I suggest that you look for specific information about a given location where there are walleye to get that information from.

You can also submit another question with a specific region and I will be glad to help you with getting a better indication about the times of year that would be best for you to go after the walleye.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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