Fishing researcher, Dan Eggertsen, answers a variety of questions concerning how you can catch Walleye quickly and easily.

You Bet You Can Catch Walleye In A River Flooded Yard

Category: Uncategorized

Can you really catch Walleyes in someone’s front yard if it’s been flooded by a rising river?

The answer as some might disagree with, is yes. Walleyes have been caught in waters as low as a foot. Flooded wooded areas along the lakes and rivers have also seen walleye swimming around. Catching a walleye that is in the yard or the wooded area might even be a little easier than catching one in the river itself. You will know exactly where they are and they will want to eat. You will still have to bait them, but you should have no trouble catching them at all.

I once heard of a man who was cleaning up his yard after a flood where the river flowed into his backyard. They never ventured out into the yard until the water subsided and they could clean up the debris. The man started cleaning the yard and removing all types of river debris when he found three walleye. They were dead of course from lack of water, but they were there. The river had risen so high into the backyard where he had a steep bank and made a little temporary fishing hole. As the water receded or soaked into the ground, the fish became trapped.

It might be rare to have this happen since the conditions have to be right, but in all honesty, yes it could be very true for someone to fish in their yard for walleye if the river rises enough and the walleye are in the river at the time of the flooding. It sounds unbelievable, but it does happen.


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Question asked on October 5, 2007at 3:00 am:: Comments (0)

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