How do you catch a walleye?

How do you catch a walleye?

The best technique to get a walleye when you go fishing is trolling. You should use an original Rapula lure or a Twister for this process. White is my favorite color to use because it seems to really attract them. They offer a variety of colors though that you may want to try.
By trolling along the shoreline in the evening, you should be able to get the interest of various walleye. They will be there following the smaller fish that they dine on. During the heat of the day, you may want to do some jigging or set up a three way swivel rig. This allows you to fish in the deeper areas. During the day the fish will go to the deeper locations so that they can cool off.
During the spring time, spawning will be taking place. Walleye will be very aggressive and strike at just about anything you put out there during this particular time of the year.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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