Where are the best places in Colorado for walleye fishing?

Where are the best places in Colorado for walleye fishing?

The Fly Fishing Insider Podcast highlights several prime locations for walleye fishing in Colorado. Chatfield Reservoir, situated conveniently close to the Denver metro area, boasts abundant walleye populations. However, it's best enjoyed during weekdays to avoid the bustling weekend crowds of anglers and recreational boaters. Similarly, Pueblo Reservoir offers excellent walleye fishing opportunities, albeit with slightly fewer weekend crowds compared to Chatfield. For a more serene experience, John Martin Reservoir emerges as a top choice. With its ample walleye population and expansive waters, this reservoir provides ample space for uninterrupted fishing adventures. Weekdays offer particularly quiet fishing conditions, while weekends see a smaller influx of visitors compared to other popular fishing spots in Colorado. As a state park, John Martin Reservoir offers all the necessary facilities for a comfortable fishing excursion, making it a preferred destination for anglers seeking tranquility and abundant catches alike.


Dan Eggertsen is a fellow walleye fishing enthusiast to the point of obsession. :) He's been providing solid advice on walleye fishing since 2004.

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